Grass finished Beef & Lamb

Pastured Pork

Ozarks Fresh grassfed beef & lamb, and pastured pork is all sustainably raised in the Mansfield, MO area on our family farm, 7 Springs Farm. All of our animals are raised without antibiotics or growth hormones. Thank you for supporting our family farm by buying local meats!

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Grassfed Beef

We raise our cattle on grass pasture 100% of the time. They are never fed corn or given growth hormones. No antibiotics are given either. All of our pastures are chemical free.

We currently have a waiting list for purchase of a whole or half beef. If you are interested in a quarter beef, please do let us know and we can see if we can pair you up with someone to share a half with. Upon signup we will give you the timeframe of when the beef will be brought in to the butcher shop and approximately when it will be ready. Pickup for a whole or half will be at Gibson's Butcher Shop in Seymour. Pickup for a quarter beef will be at our farm in Mansfield.

Grassfed Lamb

Our grassfed sheep are raised alongside our cattle. They are also grassfed and grass finished, and never given growth hormones or antibiotics.

Lamb is available seasonally. We are sold out for the 2023 season. We have lambs in late winter and early spring, and then we need time to raise them to the proper weight. Let us know if you would like to be on the list and we will let you know when we have lamb ready.

Pastured Pork

Our pastured pork is raised in large wooded areas where they are able to eat grass, root around, and eat acorns in addition to the feed we custom grind for them. They are fed locally grown corn and alfalfa.

Pork is available NOW. We currently have 8 feeder hogs that will be ready to butcher in the coming months. We are making a waiting list and taking deposits right now. If you are interested in getting some of our pork, now is the time.

Click here to go to the signup form.

Support your local farmers and enjoy delicious, healthy meats at the same time! We are truly grateful for all of our customers who help us live our dream of sustainable farming!